The Arachnid Adventure! covers the study of scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whip
scorpions, mini whip scorpions, mites, ticks, harvestmen and others. Makes a
great companion study to the Spiders Unit. We値l study scorpions, their
taxonomy, size, habits and habitats. Where do they live? Do they pinch, bite or
sting? How big can they grow? What do they eat? What are pseudoscorpions? We値l
discover their anatomy and learn what a pedipalp is! Activities, labs, questions
and information help you discover all about scorpions!
The next arachnid category we discover is mites. How are they put together?
We値l find out about their legs, mouth, eyes and sensors. Where do they live and
what do they eat? What are chiggers? Do they bite, sting or burrow? Activities
will help you learn about their anatomy and more.
Have you ever considered dissecting a tick? We値l show you how! And look at
ticks under the microscope - to see the legs, mouth and body! We値l study the
life cycle, taxonomy and basic anatomy of hard and soft ticks. How can you tell
a male from a female? How do they transmit diseases? How can they attach without
you feeling it? We値l discover these things and much more.
So, come along on an Arachnid Adventure!