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Color Unit Study Reviews

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Rainbow Resource Center Review

Kym Wright developed this unit study because she wanted her kids to learn the basics of colors, and how to mix and match them accordingly. The study combines history, research, hands-on projects, and FunSheetsTM (worksheets) for a thorough study of color. Topics covered include the color wheel; primary, secondary and tertiary colors; warm and cool colors; neutrals; black and white; tints and shades; intensity; local color; monochromatic colors, analogous colors; complementary colors; triadic colors; achromatic and polychromatic colors; and color illusions. Each concept is introduced, defined and taught before completing a coordinating activity. Supplies required for this unit study are simply colored pencils, watercolors, or other paints and brushes and some heavy cardstock to copy the FunsheetsTM onto. This updated edition includes some full color pages to explain and illustrate concepts, and also a CD, which contains fine art reproductions and sample color schemes. Introduce your children to and encourage them to explore the beautiful effects of color. ~ Melissa, for Rainbow Resource Center



Tapestry of Grace and Lampstand Review

The Color Adventure! Unit covers the basics of color theory: primary, secondary and tertiary colors, plus how to mix and match colors to make a pleasant color scheme. It includes a smattering of history, some biographical and informational research, FunSheets with many hands-on projects and loads of fun for teacher and student. Two wonderful features in this unit are the full-color prints of art reproductions and samples to explain and illustrate the lessons. Additionally, the Color! CD containing fine art reproductions with color scheme samples and more information is included." Look at the lower-grammar and dialectic hands-on selections and choose just one. PB ~ Tapestry of Grace and Lampstand Press



Farm Country General Review

The Color Adventure! Unit covers the basics of color theory: primary, secondary and tertiary colors, plus how to mix and match colors to make a pleasant color scheme--whether in artistic endeavors, in decorating, or in fashion. It includes smattering of history, some biographical and informational research, Kym`s standard FunsheetsTM with many hands-on projects and as always, loads of fun for teacher and student. Two wonderful new features added to this unit are the full-color prints of art reproductions and samples to explain and illustrate the lessons. And secondly, the CD containing fine art reproductions with color scheme samples and more information included. Topics covered: Color wheel, Primary, Secondary & Tertiary colors, Warm & Cool colors, Neutrals, Black & White, Tints & Shades, Intensity, Local Color, Color Illusions, and the color schemes: Monochromatic, Analogous, Complementary, Triadic, Achromatic, Polychromatic, and Patriotic. ~ Farm Country General


Christian Book Distributors Review


The Color Adventure! Unit is a terrific hands-on experience for learning color theory and its applications in fine art. Just like other Learn and Do Units, this very interesting and entertaining unit will expose your students to color through exploration of fine art prints and the theory behind why certain color combinations work together, and others don't. Filled with hands-on labs and Kyms Konstruction Kit, it is sure to capture the imagination of even the most kinesthetic student. 76 page spiral bound book with interactive CD-ROM. ~ Christian Book Distributors


Homeschool Mom Review

There are also many interesting unit studies available for purchase that are written directly for the homeschooling community. If you are new to this method, it may be a smart choice to select one of these in order to gain a better idea how unit studies work. Some of my favorites are Dinah Zike’s Great Science Adventures and Learn and Do Unit Studies by Kym Wright. Although these can be longer than a few weeks, they are wonderful!  ~ Angela Landis, Homeschool Mom

In a Nutshell

Grade Level:


Special Features:
Interactive CD
Full-color Art Prints
